
CENUPREM is a line of premixed dry mortars produced at the plant and widely used for the construction of interior and exterior walls and partitions. It is prized for its ease-of-use, lack of wastage, and savings in the use of specialized labor due to its faster and simpler application and finishing operations on site. The line consists of five products: the cement-based CENUPREM M (mortar bed for walls) and CENUPREM N (mortar for foundation plaster), and the lime-based Nuovo CENUPREM F (mortar for finishing plaster), CENUPREM C (mortar for foundation plaster), and CENUPREM C FIBRORINFORZATO (fiber-reinforced mortar for foundation plaster).


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Struttura produttiva e distributiva

Zona Industriale
08029 Siniscola (NU)
tel. 800 014437

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Certificazione ambientale ISO 14001 Certificazione ambientale ISO 14001