
Calinto is the Buzzi Unicem group’s Construction Hydraulic Binder (HB) that has been specifically developed for making plasters and masonry works on site. It is classified as "HB 3.0" in accordance with UNI EN 15368 standard due to its compressive strength, which at 28 days is typically greater than 3.0 MPa.

Compared to traditional standard cement prepared with cement and limestone, the constituent materials and the production controls involved in the manufacture of Calinto result in a much higher performance in terms of consistency, quality, speed of application, and surface render. 


Product with a lower environmental impact formulated to uphold the principles of sustainability and offer construction solutions that meet the latest environmental standards. The criteria used to define the CGreen line are based on the GWP (Global Warming Potential) indicator, which is included in the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) to quantify the Carbon Footprint of cement and the entire supply and production chain.
The percentage of recycled content has also been identified for each cement to define the circularity indicator by cement type.


Struttura produttiva e distributiva

Uffici: Via Andria, 63
76121 Barletta (BT)
tel. 800 010624

Sfuso Sacco

Via S. Angelo Romano, 14
00012 Guidonia (RM)
tel. 800 011463

Disponibile in sacco

Strada Piansottano, 1
12017 Robilante (CN)
tel. 800 287822

Sfuso Sacco

Piazza Cavalcanti, 11
50040 Settimello (FI)
tel. 800 015436

Disponibile in sacco

Via Solana, 8
35043 Monselice (PD)
tel. 800 225276

Sfuso Sacco

Via Pradis, 2
33092 Fanna (PN)
tel. 800 2252756

Disponibile in sacco

Zona Industriale
08029 Siniscola (NU)
tel. 800 014437

Sfuso Sacco

Via Monte Santo, 10
13039 Trino (VC)
tel. 800 075315

Disponibile in sacco

Loc. Mocomero
29010 Vernasca (PC)
tel. 800 013442

Sfuso Sacco

Sfuso Sfuso
Sacco Sacco
Big Bag Big Bag
Disponibile in sacco Disponibile in sacco [prodotto in altro stabilimento]
Export Export
Certificazione ambientale ISO 14001 Certificazione ambientale ISO 14001