Buzzi Unicem nuovamente promossa da CDP
The Climate Change Report 2015, together with the Climate Leadership Awards, was presented on 12 November at the Borsa Italiana (stock exchange) in Milan.
CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) is one of the most important international non-profit organizations involved in assessing the transparency and performance of the best Italian companies in managing climate change. The number of Italian companies disclosing their impacts on the environment has increased by 143% in just five years, an indication of the importance and growing interest in this type of information.
Buzzi Unicem has obtained the highest score (100 points) with a B rating for the current year. Our company was also listed in the CDLI Italy sustainability index of the CDP’s Climate Change program in the 2015 edition. CDLI Italy selects companies quoted on the Italian stock exchange that have developed methods and tools to accurately and transparently communicate CO2 emissions data to their stakeholders.