Elementi Navigazione

Together with the Cardioteam Foundation, in memory of Sandro Buzzi

Thanks to the contribution of the Fondazione Buzzi Unicem, the “Cardioteam - Una vela per il cuore” project dedicated to the prevention of heart disease was launched last October. Cardioteam Foundation, in collaboration with the Lega Navale, has set up a team of professionals on board of Dulcinea, a majestic sailing boat that will sail for 12 months, reaching numerous Italian ports, with the aim of promoting the importance of prevention and offer free echocardiographic screening to at-risk individuals between (50-75 years of age).

A project that intends to honor the memory of Ing. Sandro Buzzi, former administrator of Buzzi company and passionate sailor.

Dulcinea's journey can be followed on www.unavelaperilcuore.it and on the Cardioteam Foundation's Instagram and Facebook pages.