Elementi Navigazione

Augusta: another reason of pride
05 August 2005

Augusta: another reason of pride

On July 22, 2005, the Technical Committee of SINCERT and ICMQ awarded the Environment Certification to the Augusta cement plant (Siracusa) which has thus become the sixth Italian plant in Buzzi Unicem Group to be certified according to UNI EN ISO 14001/2004.
The Environment and Safety Integrated System was implemented in little just over a year, thanks to the eagerness and dedication of all people in the production unit who enthusiastically shared the targets and readily realized the few improvements required.
The early analysis and the ICMQ inspections have since the beginning ascertained the constant compliance with existing rules and limits for water drainage and noise immissions. The good monitoring system for kiln emissions, the proper management of waste and related aspects show once again Buzzi Unicem’s continuous attention towards environmental protection.