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Human resources

People who work here share Buzzi Unicem's values. Being part of this group means having a role in one of the leading companies in the cement and concrete sector, where tradition and innovation co-exist harmoniously.

Our employees are required to follow a training program to improve their continuous professional growth, as demanded by an industrial sector where the operators are highly competitive. We entrust our employees with the challenging task of being able to handle change proactively by using the skills they have acquired on the ground in a highly collaborative environment. Training plays a central role, which is why the professional development and refresher processes serve as the foundation of our in-house skills and expertise.

Our training, technical and managerial programs include initiatives that are specifically designed to support the new internal needs of the company and are in line with the individual goals and career paths of our employees.

With respect to occupational safety, Buzzi Unicem has launched structured programs aimed at raising awareness and training our personnel with organizational courses based on "shared responsibility" – a principle that is essential for integrating our technical and production needs with regulatory requirements – and by encouraging and guiding our work culture in search of more effective ways of collaborating and being a team.