
Trino Plant (VC) - Inauguration of AREA907

Inaugurated at Trino on Saturday, 21 September, AREA907 is an immersive, exhibition circuit inside the plant featuring the memories, technological innovations, and current and future status of the industry as told through the stories of the people who helped grow the company. The inauguration was enhanced by a blessing from the archbishop of Vercelli and the traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by local authorities, highlighting the importance of the event for the community.

Besides the circuit, two new adjoining exhibition spaces were also opened, the first of which displays images and objects from the Historical Archive that trace the history of the company and introduces visitors to the museum area, while the second is an impressive glass structure containing the abecedary created by the artist Giuseppe Stampone, who collaborated on this inclusive art project that pervades the entire exhibition.

Named in memory of Ing. Sandro Buzzi, the AREA907 project has set itself the ambitious goal of securing full membership in the Museimpresa (corporate museum) association, which was established to preserve the memory of Italian industry as a driver of sustainable development and the cornerstone of an extensive economic, social and civil culture.

Barletta Plant (BT) - Seventh AVIS donation day at the cement plant

The Barletta branch of Avis (voluntary blood donor association) and the plant have been supporting blood drives at the facility for several years now in a solid gesture of unity for the benefit of the community and saving lives.

Assisted by the blood bank, 29 generous donors, including employees and residents, made their contribution with a simple but potentially lifesaving gesture for treating patients with oncological and haematological diseases, for first aid and emergency/urgency services, for many surgeries, and for cases of chronic anemia in organ and bone marrow transplants.

We extend our thanks to Avis and all its volunteers, which counts over a million donors throughout the country.

Siniscola Plant (NU) - Visit of the A.S.D. Valkirie Volley

The Valkirie Volley amateur athletic association of Siniscola and the plant forged a partnership to raise awareness about the plant and to encourage and support sports activities.

Last year, all the athletes and staff visited the plant, while this year a nutritionist and a psychotherapist spoke about the importance of nutrition and wellbeing, providing valuable and practical information for everyday living with a special focus on nutrition in sports.

We are now gaining a better understanding of how nutrition plays an important role for achieving success in sport. A balanced diet based on protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats and essential nutrients can improve performance, prevent injuries, and support the athlete's overall wellbeing.

Monselice Plant (PD) - Inauguration of the “ARTE SOSTENIBILITA’ INCLUSIONE” (ART, SUSTAINABILITY, INCLUSION) exhibition

ALIdARTE has been fostering the creativity of disabled artists from the Euganea branch of the Down ADI Association since 2020, together with valuable support from the artist Cristina Masiero and the Buzzi Unicem Plant in Monselice, which provides the spaces and assistance so that ideas can take shape.

The workshops were designed to raise awareness about the recycling of materials, with the aim of advancing a culture that considers waste as a resource. Through the workshop, the participants were able to freely express their creativity as well as learn about environmental issues.

The students created numerous visual artworks, paintings and objects of various kinds, inspired by the natural beauty of the area. Using the recycled materials generated new ideas for creative recycling, highlighting the individual personalities and encouraging sharing.

The "Art, Sustainability, Inclusion" exhibition was inaugurated in 2024 at the Airone shopping center in Monselice. The exhibition was an integral part of the ALIdARTE Associazione Culturale (Cultural Association’s) artistic-cultural project, “La fabbrica, uno spazio alternativo per la cultura” (The plant as an alternative space for culture).

Guidonia Plant (Roma) - Social Tour

The Social Tour initiative combines artistic impressions with the awareness of social challenges by fostering the understanding and acceptance of diversity during a four-day event of art, culture, music and sport, all in the name of inclusion.

The Guidonia cement plant hosted the final evening, with 20 artists, including singers, actors and athletes, performing on stage, and attended by numerous associations whose mission is to be inclusive and overcome social hardship.

A thousand happy guests filed through the gates of the plant to enter a very special arena where the music surrounded everyone with its energy.

Trino Plant (VC) - Family & Friends 2024

Held on Sunday, 22 September, the Family & Friends event was a special day when the plant opened its doors to coworkers and their families and friends from Casale, Trino and Vercelli. The event was well attended, with over 850 people participating in the many activities.

Besides exploring the new immersive AREA907 exhibition circuit, visitors could also stop by several stands highlighting various company departments and functions such as Safety, Sales, Human Resources and Stakeholder Engagement policies. There was a detailed explanation of the cement production process, starting with the arrival of clinker from Robilante through to the shipment of the products. Guests could also visit the laboratory to observe first-hand the various phases of materials control. Making the day even more memorable were the educational games about the environment, the concrete workshops and the fun entertainment areas that attracted both the grownups and children.

The event was part of Federbeton's 'Open Doors' program comprising a series of days organized by the cement supply chain for local communities to visit the plants in their area and learn more about an industry that is at the forefront in the reliability, innovation and sustainability of its materials.

Robilante Plant (CN) - Murals at the Luigi Buzzi Social Center

As part of the renovations of the Luigi Buzzi Social Center in Robilante, we wanted to give more prominence to the multipurpose room. As a result of the positive response to the murals painted outside and in the plant’s conference room, we decided to create a new mural on the large wall in front of the stage. Members of the center voted via QR for their favorite mural of the two versions proposed, with Robilante volante, renamed "simil Miro", receiving the most votes.

The new mural was inaugurated in mid-May during which the two artists from MacchiaConforma presented their various works, illustrating the challenges encountered and techniques. This was duly followed by the traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony with the center’s president and board members in attendance.

Robilante Plant (CN) - Not even rain shuts down the Open Plants

The three days of the fifth edition of the "Fabbriche Aperte Regione Piemonte" (Open Plants in the Piedmont Region) event were a huge success, with over 130 companies from Piemonte participating and allowing the general public to visit their production facilities in the region free of charge to promote greater knowledge about their operations. Seventeen companies participated in the province of Cuneo. Buzzi Unicem had already participated in the 2018 and 2019 editions. This year, over 70 visitors of all ages and from all over Piedmont were led on a guided tour of the cement plant to observe the production cycle. They were all very interested and were truly amazed at the size and technology of the facility and the degree of safety experienced.

Settimello Plant (FI) - Food drive: 800 kg of solidarity

The first edition of the company’s food drive was a huge success. The Food Bank, which operates a network of 21 organizations throughout Italy, expressed its gratitude to the Buzzi Group for its efforts and generosity. Nearly all the group's cement plants joined in the initiative, but it was the Settimello plant that ‘won the prize’ for its involvement. With great team spirit, this small milling center maximized its efforts by joining forces with neighboring Unical to reach a total of 130 kg of donated goods.

The company drive could become an annual event, aiming to exceed the goal achieved the previous year and further strengthening our commitment towards the community.

Robilante Plant (CN) - Measuring environmental quality with bees

Buzzi Unicem has initiated an environmental biomonitoring project and, since they are the best in this domain, has "called upon the bees for their help". The company purchased five hives and placed them in Tetto Giulia near the Gavota-Noisa quarry situated 300 meters from the plant, with the intention of using the extraordinary ability of bees to monitor the good health of an area. A plant employee, who is an electrician and beekeeping enthusiast, is also involved in this environmental biomonitoring project.

Initiated in 2023 for internal environmental assessment purposes, the project has already provided surprising results, encouraging us to continue with it and expand the level of analysis from not just honey but also to beeswax and the bees themselves. The honey was analyzed by a specialist laboratory and compared to two other honeys produced 15 km (Palanfrè) and 50 km (Revello) away from the cement plant – it was found to be of excellent quality.


Casale Monferrato Headquarters (AL) - Make the right move

From 9.30 am to 5.00 pm on Saturday, 16 November, the large "Riccardo Coppo" Palafiere (conference complex) in Casale Monferrato hosted the Fai la mossa giusta (Make the right move) event, during which schools, employment agencies, trade associations and various companies, including Buzzi, made themselves available to secondary school students to support them in their approach to study, education and work, and to adults seeking employment or relocation.

Monselice Plant (PD) - Murals in the cement plant

For the second consecutive year, Buzzi Unicem and ALIdARTE supported a PCTO project to bridge the worlds of school and work through art and creativity.

Two fourth-year classes from the IIS G.B. Ferrari Liceo Artistico (Art School) in Este followed an educational program held at the school and on the company premises during the 2023/24 school year.

With great engagement and team spirit, the young students worked with the artist Zentequerente to collectively create a work of art that has now been permanently installed at the Monselice plant.

In October, the students, professors, staff and company leadership came together again for the inauguration ceremony of the work, which was preceded by a video of the project.

Robilante Plant (CN) - The Sports Mural at the LBSC: 2nd year

The wall at the Luigi Buzzi Social Center building in Robilante is becoming even more beautiful and colorful. The 2nd and 3rd blocks of "Il murales al CSLB” (The mural at the LBSC) were painted as part of a three-year project between the cement plant, the IC of Robilante and the LBSC, together with valuable help from the two artists of MacchiaConforma.

Thirty-six students from the two final-year classes of the 1st grade secondary school showed themselves to be very good street artists. During the four sessions of the program, they learned new techniques in graphic representation and completed two other sections of the long and striking sports mural.

Casale Monferrato Headquarters (AL) - Training with the IIS Leardi of Casale

An agreement was signed with the IIS Leardi of Casale to set up a three-year program to provide the third-year CAT (Costruzioni, Ambiente e Territorio) (Construction, Environment and Territory) students a complete overview of the world of cement and concrete. The different sessions touched on a variety of topics, ranging from the use of concrete to sustainability, as well as a supplementary lesson on the mindful use of social networks.

The first year of this partnership concluded with a visit to the Robilante plant, where the students and professors were excited to witness for themselves what they had learned in the theoretical classes and to see the setup of the plant, ranging from the production of clinker to the simple lunch break in the canteen, which made them feel like characters in the life of the plant life for a day.

Vernasca Plant (PC) - Pet Therapy for students of Lugagnano

The Vernasca plant hosted the fifth-year students from the Lugagnano comprehensive school for a pet therapy activity with dogs. Thanks to the valuable partnership with the "La Collina dei ciuchini" (Donkey Hill) Association of Vernasca, the young guests learned about the world of dogs, how to recognize signals given by dogs, and how to approach them through contact and play.

The dogs showed their innate ability to form relationships with children through easy communication and encouraging active participation through play, approach and contact. Facilitated by the operator, the children took stock of each dog, discovering their differences and calmly trying to gain contact with them.

Augusta Plant (SR) -The Augusta Cement Plant... Through my eyes

The award ceremony for "La Cementeria di Augusta…attraverso i miei occhi” (The Augusta Cement Plant... through my eyes) design competition was held in May. The event was organized by the Augusta Plant for third-year students at the Orso Mario Corbino school who participated in the orientation visits at the plant during the school year.

Sixty-five students were in attendance, 45 drawings were presented and three prizes were awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners who, with their drawings, perfectly captured the theme by depicting the Augusta cement plant in a completely personal, original and representative way.

There was no shortage of "consolation prizes" either for those students who too showed a strong talent for drawing.


Built Research Center (Vercelli) - Concreto Academy Day at Built

In June, Built hosted 16 students from the Concreto Academy (Concrete Academy) ( for an educational day on the chemistry and production of cement and technology of concrete. Accompanied by Dr. Elisabetta Margiotta Nervi, president of the Pier Luigi Nervi Project Foundation, and Professor Giulio Zani from the Ingegneria Strutturale (Structural Engineering) faculty at the Politecnico di Milano (Milan Polytechnic), the students observed the activities of the concrete laboratory, seeing the impact that the correct mix design can have on the performance and durability characteristics of concrete, particularly with respect to chloride penetration and carbonation. There were several practical demonstrations during the second half of the day to show the students the effects of fluidizing admixtures on the consistency of concrete and reduction of the water/cement ratio.

Monselice Plant (PD) - IMPROSAFE Safety Improvisation Theatre Show

Between October and November, and in conjunction with the LHS Foundation, the Monselice and Casale facilities hosted the "Improsafe" theater performances dedicated to occupational safety.

The company decided to address safety in a novel and engaging way, sharing the culture of prevention not just in the workplace, but also in daily life. This initiative involved employees at the headquarters, as well as several corporate departments of both Buzzi Unicem and Unical.

Theatrical improvisation was used as a tool for experiential training, during which the audience became the actors and safety was transformed into an instance of reflection and fun. This was a valuable opportunity to directly communicate the importance of the culture of prevention.

Built Research Center (Vercelli) - Buzzi – UPO partnership agreement: research week 2024

For the third consecutive year, Built participated in the Settimana della Ricerca (Research Week) of the Università del Piemonte Orientale (University of Eastern Piedmont), an educational science initiative established to familiarize non-experts with the culture of science. The event attracted over 60 participants, including students, researchers and university professors, with company staff facilitating the multidisciplinary discussions.

Built was involved in two events, the first of which was UPO Junior, which took place on Thursday, 26 September, targeting schools in Vercelli and the province and during which the Built to Play activities “L’isola di Portland” (The island of Portland) and CEMescape were presented. The second event was the “Ricerca ed Innovazione per un’industria più sostenibile: due anni di partnership UPO-Buzzi a Vercelli” (Research and Innovation for a more sustainable industry: two years of UPO-Buzzi partnership in Vercelli) conference, held on Friday, 27 September.

The activities continued on Friday afternoon with a workshop on printing art on cementitious materials at Built in conjunction with the Borgogna Museum in Vercelli (

Monselice Plant (PD) - Confindustria Veneto Est’s “Cosa si fa in azienda” (What we do in the company) project

In early November, Vittoria Morselli, RSPP (Responsabile Servizio Prevenzione e Protezione) (Head of the Prevention and Protection Department) at the Monselice plant, had the pleasure of participating as a speaker at one of the Webinars promoted and organized by Confindustria Veneto Est as part of the "What we do in the company" project. About 250 people took part in the meeting, including students and teachers from local schools interested in occupational Health and Safety.

Subdivided into 10 meetings each focused on a specific business area, the project is aimed at third-year students and their teachers to learn about the educational and professional courses of employees in several company functions. The purpose is to offer interesting ideas to students who are ready to choose their educational or professional futures, and to teachers so that they can support their students in this important phase of their development.


Guidonia Plant (Roma) - 1st Sports Day at the cement plant

In an initial important experiment, the Guidonia plant designed and organized a day devoted entirely to sport, involving various area sports associations which demonstrated their disciplines and helped make the day a fun and sociable experience for all those present.

Almost 500 people were involved, including organizers, children, young people and their families, who transformed the plant into a meeting place for the local community. The program offered a variety of sports activities designed for all ages and abilities, creating an atmosphere of sharing and partnership.

Monselice Plant (PD) - Sports days at the Monselice plant

Each year, the Monselice plant organizes sporting events that are held partly or entirely within the plant.

The ASD Movimento e Ritmo (Movement and Rhythm ASD) opened the season with the first edition of the "A ritmo d'estate" (In the rhythm of summer) event. The rhythmic gymnastics association set up platforms and stations in the bagging area for students and families to play and view exhibitions. There was also a guided tour of the plant and an educational session with a nutritionist for parents and athletes, entitled “Nutriamo lo sport” (Let's feed sport).

The weekend continued with the third edition of the AEuganeus Basketball Party, a wonderful tournament for the Aquilotti (Eaglets) category. Besides the black-and-green minibasketball team, the players also included children from the Pallacanestro Camin, Battaglia Terme Basket and Redentore Este squads who, as per tradition, challenged each other on the courts that had been set up in various areas of the plant. A very special Sunday between the basketball, music, and lots of fun for all the children who, in front of their parents, made the third edition truly unique.

The areas in the plant also hosted local associations such as archers from the Compagnia Arcobaleno APS, who demonstrated their sport, the Augusta Contrada of Marendole, which exhibited medieval clothing and equipment and performed in a drumming show, and the Croce Rossa Italiana Padova Sud (Italian Red Cross Padua South).

During the day, the families and participants could visit the company and observe all the plant’s processes and daily operations.

During the last weekend of October, the star athletes were the ultramarathon runners who challenged each other in a 6.7 km route to be completed within one hour and repeated at the end of every hour. Called the 'Backyard l’Immortale” (Backyard Ultramarathon), the event attracted over 120 runners from all over Italy with one goal in mind – achieved – of beating the 42 hours of last year and being the last one standing.

Robilante Plant (CN) - Cuneo Volley in our heart

Buzzi Unicem has become part of the white and blue world of Cuneo Volley, with the company logo displayed on the jerseys of the A2 series players as of 2024. The sponsorship stems from a common vision, in which we are both focused on a team of "players" comprising a mix of young and experienced people who help develop skills and to emerge. A partnership was also established based on continuous education with two team building meetings.

At the beginning of the year, the coach from Cuneo Volley was invited to give a presentation on team management, offering several insights on the potential parallels between volleyball and managing work at the cement plant. This was followed by a fun 90-minute cooking session with colleagues divided into teams. During the season, Cuneo Volley’s assistant coach participated in an informal meeting at the Cuneo arena to address two topics, including being beware of making hasty judgments and unnecessary criticisms, especially if we do not have the elements to evaluate objectively; the "comfort zone" and the ability to deal with the new. The meeting concluded with a hard-fought volleyball tournament.